Saturday, September 26, 2009

I believe it is every mans’ right, however humble, to be free. So I rejoice when a country embraces democracy so that every man and woman can legally vote to decide who governs him. I put it you that Socialism threatens that ideal because socialism and feudalism are brothers under the skin. Revolutionaries and Utopians are no better than the feudal aristocracy they seek to replace. Socialism is the will of minority imposed from above, all over again, but this time a minority of intellectuals. This is why I am proud to be middle class.

It is capitalism that nurtures most things that are civilised. From the, alleged, dung heap of commerce all flowers grow. Everything else is tyranny, in one form or another. Historically the middle class home is truly a castle, giving its children the protection and leisure for music, poetry, philosophy and dreams. To be labelled middle class is a compliment which means that I am neither a feudal, nor a Utopian, sheep.

I am grateful to Christopher Koch for his book Out of Ireland published by Doubleday where the orginal idea ( and some of the words above ) spring from. I have changed them round a little, but the thrust remains.

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