Monday, October 23, 2006


Black racism is alive and well, and being given voice, in Fiji where leaders of Australia, New Zealand and various South Pacific basket case countries, who depend on Australia and New Zealand to continually bail them out, are meeting. If a white politician said what Michael Somare from Papua New Guines said last night on my television, Australias sneering classes would have beeen screeching for him ( or her ) to be charged with a race hate crime. Talk about biting the hand that fills your pockets. Talk about hypocrisy as a life skill. A$800 million of taxpayers money has been poured into the Solomon Islands and it is about time this tap was turned off especially as their Prime Minister is quite happy to protect a man charged with rape. They don't handle self government very well do they?

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

What a contrast in the way Joanne Lees holds her emotions in check while in public compared to the outbreaks of competitive grieving in Australia on the deaths of Steve Irwin and Peter Brock ( why do so many Australians worship mediocrity? ) and isn't it strange how they can get things so wrong. Yes I know that newspapers have to sell more and more so they are not shy about making things up but the suggestion that Joanne was responsible for killing Peter Falconio is on a par with the belief of so many thousands of Australians that Lindy Chamberlain killed her baby Azaria. The people got it wrong and the Courts got it wrong twice. Azaria was not killed by Lindy Chamberlain or a dingo; the evidence irrefutably points to Azaria being taken and killed by a pet dog belonging to one of the local inhabitants. Azarias bloodstained baby jacket was found near Ayers Rock several hundred yards away from the tent she was sleeping in. It was put there by the owner of the murdering dog after he or she found it outside their back door. People do very strange things to protect their pets.

Almost every night on Australian television there are scenes of men, women and children crying, usually at a funeral resulting from a car crash; the tears are accompanied by maudling poems and/or pop songs. Everyone imagines that Australians are happy go lucky jokers who would not be seen crying in public but for the past forty years there has been massive immigration from southern europe where competitive grieving is an art form and it is now unusual to get a weekly local newspaper without a picture of someone blubbing about something in Africa or the Lebanon. Incidentally, and not a lot of people know this, in the 1970s Australia abandoned imperial measures when the government imposed the metric system because the migrants from southern europe could not cope with feet and inches. Talk about pandering; and the various governments have been pandering ever since. In fact the government treats migrants and refugees better than the Aussies who live in the bush. Alice would feel at home here.

Vai Tibi

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

For many years I have maintained that 'if you are not making mistakes you are not doing anything' because I consider that making mistakes, trying and failing, and picking yourself up off the floor after a bad experience is an integral part of the learning and self improveement process. This sets me apart from the politically correct advocates of the 'victim culture' where our children ( never 'kids' ) are not allowed to fail; everyone must have a prize. The name of this blog is self evident and as I have only just registered this site I feel tthe best way forward is to start typing and see what happens. Half way through registering the site I spent too long on looking at various ways of presenting the site and when I went back the pages I had filled in had gone - 'terminated with extreme prejudice' so, not realising that I had done the spadework, I tried to start the registration process again only to find that I could not have the username I had selected because it had already gone ( to me! ); this means that I do not have a clue what my site looks like. That doesn't matter because the content is more important and mine will be based on the fact that politically I cross over on issues and newspapers in Melbourne/Sydney will not publish my letters unless I allow my name and address to be available to the small minority of the lunatic fringe who deliberately misunderstand what I am saying so that they can send an abusive letter. I do not intend to restrict my posts to Australian issues as I have a world view and am very opinionated. I am also more than averagely optimistic about mankind and our ability todeal with what mother nature throws at us. There will be 'thoughts for the day', references to people who inspire me and jokes I want to share. I have no doubt I will upset some people, maybe a lot of people but then a lot of people have problems with the truth, especially if the truth does not fit their prejudices; and we all have prejudices, including the terminally dull whose job requires them to adopt the creed of political correctness. That's enough for today.

Vai Tibi